The Daydream Sound Musical Sampler Conference Centre

Here’s a place where a few things can happen (and they all involve sampling).

The main purpose of the conference centre is live events where global concepts about sampling can be discussed.

More interestingly; These events are where we can involve music making with samplers! Like a cross between music lessons and sampling tech!

This means that you’ll find value in these events no matter what manual course you’re enrolled in.

Events will be scheduled well in advance so you’ll always know what’s on the horizon.

But what if you miss an event and you want to catch up on it later?

Here’s where the power of NTSC/PAL shines (if you didn't know NTSC/PAL is now part of the manual collection). All live events will be archived there!

Here’s some even more convenient news. You can join the centre at anytime! It's open to everyone!

Pop in whenever you want and see what’s going on.

The Daydream Sound Musical Sampler Conference Centre

  • 54 members
  • 19 posts
  • Free